Complaints and Comments

The RCSI Hospital Group is committed to ensuring that all patient feedback; including comments, complaints and compliments are acknowledged, reviewed and responded to as quickly as possible.

Complaints are managed in line with the RCSI Hospital Group Policy and Procedure for the Management of Complaints (2016) and the Your Service, Your Say Policy (HSE, 2017).

Staff within the RCSI Hospital Group endeavour to resolve all complaints at the point where they occur and at the earliest opportunity.

What this means is that you should feel free to contact any member of staff with your complaint and expect them to assist you. If they cannot resolve your complaint the staff member will refer you to somebody who can help you.

  • The RCSI Hospital Group supports a “No Wrong Door” approach to complaints.
  • You can speak to any member of staff in a hospital about a complaint or concern.
  • If your complaint or concern cannot be resolved at this point the member of staff can involve a manager to discuss the issue with you. You can also request to speak with a manager.
  • In the event that your complaint is not resolved you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison/ Complaints Department in the hospital concerned.
  • Acknowledge your communication.
  • Respond to a written complaint within 30 working days, or keep you informed if this process takes longer.
  • Monitor to ensure that your complaint is appropriately managed.
  • Act on suggestions for improvement where appropriate.
  • Pass on any feedback received to staff.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the written response to your complaint you may apply for an Internal Review to the RCSI Hospitals Group at the address beneath. Alternatively, you may contact the Office of the Ombudsman for an independent review of your complaint at this stage.

Chief Executive Officer
RCSI Hospital Group
111 St Stephens Green
Dublin 2
Telephone 01-4025156

  • If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may apply for an Independent Review of your complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman. Contact details are outlined beneath:

Office of the Ombudsman
6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773
Tel: +353-1-639 5600
LoCall: 1-890-223030 (from outside 01 area)
Fax: +353-1- 6395674

Or as appropriate

Office of the Ombudsman for Children
Millennium House
52-56 Great Strand Street
Dublin 1, D01 F5P8
Tel: +353-1-8656800
LoCall: 1-890-654654 (from outside 01 area)