Patient Advice and Liaison / Complaints Departments
Beaumont Hospital | Patient Advice and Liaison Service Beaumont Hospital Beaumont Dublin 9 Tel: 01 8093234/01 8092427 |
Cavan and Monaghan Hospital | Patient Advocate Liaison Manager Support Services Building Cavan General Hospital Lisdarn Co Cavan Tel: 049-4376580 |
Connolly Hospital | Patient Services Office Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown Blanchardstown Dublin 15 Email: Tel : 01 6465696 / 6465174 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda | Complaints Co-Ordinator Quality & Risk Department Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda Tel: (041)9874788 |
The Rotunda Hospital | Quality and Patient Safety Dept. The Rotunda Hospital Parnell Square Dublin 1 Tel: 01-817 6848 |