Welcome to the RCSI Hospital Group, Quality and Patient Safety Hub.



The purpose of this hub is to have a simple and easily navigable repository of quality and safety information and resource material tailored to the needs of RCSI Hospital Group staff.

The material has been gathered with the entire hospital staff community in mind.

This resource provides a collection of material centred on five key areas.

An overview of content for each section is listed below.

Patient Engagement

This section provides information about, and links to:

  • Patient Complaints and Feedback
  • Access Officers’ Contact Details
  • Safeguarding – Adults and Children Information
  • Assisted Decision Making Information

Click here to access the Patient Engagement section

Quality Improvement

This section provides information about, and links to:

  • Resources

Click here to access the Quality Improvement section

Risk Management

This section provides information about, and links to:

  • RCSI Hospital Group Risk Register
  • HSE Enterprise Risk Management Policy & Procedures (HSE, 2023)
  • Incident Management Framework
  • Patient Safety Alerts

Click here to access the Risk Management section


This section provides information about, and links to:

  • Resources
  • RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meetings

Click here to access the Audit section

Education and Training

This section provides information about, and links to:

  • Annual Education Programme

Click here to access the Education and Training section


We hope you find this resource useful. Feedback/suggestions can be provided by sending an email to qpshub@rcsihospitals.ie