

Through clinical audit we can ensure the highest quality of patient care is delivered.

By systematically reviewing care provided we can continually monitor and evaluate our performance. This allows us to identify services which are performing well, in addition to identifying areas for improvement in the care of our patients.


Clinical audit is one of the cornerstones of clinical governance, and an essential part of the healthcare process.




“Clinical audit is a clinically-led quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and acting to improve care when standards are not met. The process involves the selection of aspects of the structure, processes and outcomes of care which are then systematically evaluated against explicit criteria. If required, improvements should be implemented at an individual, team or organisation level and then the care re-evaluated to confirm improvements.” DOHC (2008, p.152)

The resources provide information and practical guidance on implementing effective audit processes.

HSE NCCA Practical Guide to Clinical audit 2023

This document forms part of a series of resources being developed to support services and all healthcare professionals to ensure the continuation and development of effective clinical audit across the Irish healthcare system as recommended by the National Review of Clinical Audit (HSE 2019).

Click here to access the document on the HSE website.

HSE NCCA Nomenclature (2022)

This document is a glossary of terms for clinical audit.

Click here to access the document on the HSE website.

National Office of Clinical Audit 

NOCA enables the Irish healthcare system to continually improve by maintaining a portfolio of prioritised national clinical audits.

Click here to visit the NOCA website.

Clinical Audit Support Centre (U.K.)

The Clinical Audit Support Centre (CASC) provides support and accredited training in a wider range of disciplines all designed to help improve patient care.

Click here to visit the CASC website.

The annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting presents practice-based examples of improving clinical outcomes, compliance, and accreditation processes.

2024 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting

Click here to download the 2024 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting Programme.

2023 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting

Click here to download the 2023 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting Programme.

2022 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting

Click here to download the 2022 Annual RCSI Hospital Group Academic Clinical Audit Meeting Programme.